Thursday, 20 September 2012

Arctic sea ice

Arctic sea ice has hit a record low.

2012 record arctic sea ice extent melt

This year’s minimum was 760,000 square kilometers (293,000 square miles) below the previous record minimum extent in the satellite record, which occurred on September 18, 2007. This is an area about the size of the state of Texas. The September 2012 minimum was in turn 3.29 million square kilometers (1.27 million square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average minimum, representing an area nearly twice the size of the state of Alaska. This year’s minimum is 18% below 2007 and 49% below the 1979 to 2000 average.

Arctic sea ice is melting much faster than predicted.

IPCC models vs observed sea ice.
IPCC models vs observed sea ice.

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